How and which Basic academic studies should you enroll at?
„Do the job you like and you will not have to work another day in your life."
Faculty for Business Studies and Law at the undergraduate level has 4 courses for obtaining titles that are now among the most sought after in the labor market. Each course at the end of the study brings 240 ECTS.
Obtain your vocation through classical and modern learning methods
All students have at their disposal professors and lecturers with many years of work in the economy or government institutions, with extensive scientific experience.
All the lectures can be attended personally or through centres for distance learning.
Faculty for Business Studies and Law was the first to accredit its distance learning system in Serbia at the platform developed by its very own experts.
No hidden costs
It is our policy that there are no hidden costs outside tuition fee. For example, registration for the exam, textbooks, scripts or other activities. Tuition fee is final and unchangeable. Anyone can pre-plan his finances.